While each role is completely distinct and requires unique skills, knowledge & service... these 3 roles often form a single unit and become dependant on one another to create a person's overall Travel Experience (for better or worse)

So what does this have to do with the Painting Experience?

Well similarly, there are 3 distinct roles that are dependant on one another to create a person's overall Painting Experience - PAINTER, CONTRACTOR & CONSULTANT. But unfortunately, very few people are bringing them together as a single unit...


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How to TOUCH UP Paint?

In this week's video, I'll show you how to touch up paint using PAPER TOWEL! :)

But there's a few things to be aware of if you want to touch up paint so be sure to watch this weeks video to learn more.


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What's the BEST WAY to Wash My Walls?

With today's paints, there are a few things to be aware of when washing your walls. And while I feel it's important to understand the reasons why new techniques had to be developed, it's also important to see a live demonstration.

That's why this weeks video has both :)


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There's no doubt, ZERO & LOW VOC Paints are much better for our HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT... but to achieve this, paint manufacturers had to rethink the way paint was manufactured. And this has caused a BIG PROBLEM for some painters... (but every problem can also be seen as an opportunity when you're willing to adapt)

***VOC stands for Volatile Organic Compounds. I misspoke in the video and said it was Volatile Object Compounds... :)



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$800, $2000 & $5000... What's the RIGHT PRICE?

My clients reaction, after she received 3 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Prices to paint her home, really opened my eyes to a problem in the Painting Industry that I have since then tried to fix (or at least improve).

In this weeks video, I talk about the 3 REASONS why prices can have such a big gap so that all parties involved can be better informed and ask more questions to get to the bottom of the TRUE VALUE of each offering. Because in the Contracting world, the most expensive is not always the best (and the cheapest is not always the worst).


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How do you REMOVE PAINT from CARPET?

So you spilled half a gallon of paint on the carpet... what do you do?

Well before you freak out (like I did the first time this happened to me), you'll want to watch this video! :)


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Is there a difference? And if so, what is it?

Well there is a difference... and even though it's one that is very difficult to explain, I believe I have come up with an analogy that explains it well.


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Estimate vs Consultation

What's the difference between a FREE PAINTING ESTIMATE (which is what most painting companies offer) and a FREE PAINTING CONSULTATION (which is what we offer)?

In this weeks video, I walk you through our process and show you why you get a lot MORE VALUE out of a consultation (HINT: you also get a free estimate as part of it) :) 


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The Only 2 Things That Matter

If there's one thing I know for sure, after working as a Painting Contractor for nearly 20 years, it's this: We can do the best job in the world, but if the clients don't like the colors, it's not going to matter at all.

In this weeks video, I talk about the Only 2 Things That Matter when repainting your house. And even though, those 2 things will apply to anyone, the details will change completely from one person to another :)


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Painters vs Painting Contractors

Are you the Contractor on the project (without realizing it)?

I believe that every clients' needs are unique and some may be better served hiring one or the other. However, I often see people hiring Painters... thinking they had hired a Painting Contractor. The reason this happens so often is because the differences are not always easy to spot. 

That's why, in this weeks video, I'm talking about the KEY DIFFERENCE between the two :)


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-Remi & Gino